LIFE design: HOW
TO CREATE & MANAGE ///////THE LIFE OF YOUR //////////////////////DREAMS


The book on how to use minimalism, authenticity, design thinking, and organizational techniques to create your dream life. Available in both e-book and printed versions.

Life Areas
THE 235-PAGE BOOK consists of ..........//// 4 PARTS OF THE Life SysteM
This part talks about how and why to apply design thinking to create your dream life. You will understand your values and mission, learn how to set goals in different ways and make your personal growth and rest plan.
This part talks about ways to organize your most valuable resources: time and knowledge. You will learn to take advantage of your time and every piece of information in your life and convert them into real growth.
This part talks about practical ways to manage all areas of your life: health, relationships, finances, style, and career. You will learn basic financial literacy, managing your mental and physical state, delegation and much more.
This part talks about the psychology of success and its fundamental components. You will make up your personal idea of success, choose the necessary qualities and skills to achieve it and learn how to build your personal authentic brand.
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Julia Cores
MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE started
.///////........Their life CHANGE
./////////...........OWN LIFE
This book is a treasure for a self-developing person. Many people write in the comments that this is an ideal book for people who are starting to develop themselves and so on, but I think this book is ideal for all self-developing people, since there are tips that a self-developing person will know without reading this book only if he reads 15-30 necessary books, or even hundreds. In fact, this book is very informative! Very! It clearly shows the actions, recommendations for their application and the need for their application! I am sure that I will invest a lot of time to implement this book, and that it will be one of the best investments of time in my life. This is the best investment of money, because for 200 rubles I got incredible knowledge!
A comprehensive collection of topics on personal effectiveness. More precisely, a textbook on "life management". In some places, a very good syllable in some places "slightly cuts the ear". The wheel of life balance are revealed here. The chapters are worked out with varying degrees of detail. For example, "information management" contains such tools, which I heard about for the first time in 23 years of practice. Very deep.
What is unclear: the author was 21 years old and she was able to put it all together and quite well. Either the youth is "not lost", or delegation and copy-paste work! It will be necessary to invite the author for an interview.
In conclusion: the book is self-published. And this is the first self-published book that impressed me. A good compass for the design of life.
The book reads easily and quickly, I read it in 4 days. But I advise you to do exercises while reading, otherwise it may be pointless. I left the exercises for later, and now I have to reread some chapters.
From the pros: it is written in a structured and practice-oriented way, helps to understand yourself, determine the desired life and get it, and stop perceiving mistakes as failures.
From the cons: in the part about life management, it is not very clear without illustrations how to set up all these applications and systems. There are not enough videos or at least photos with examples.
Conclusion: I think that this book should be given out in high school as a guide to life, it will help many people avoid disappointment from their irresponsibility in the future. But it will also be useful for adults, like me, who are not familiar with financial literacy, information management, awareness, etc.
I was lucky enough to get acquainted with the content of "Life Design" even before its publication. I was one of its editors, and I confess honestly: bringing something to the end is not my thing at all. But this book captured me so much that I couldn't tear myself away from working on it and finished proofreading it in just a couple of days. And all because the topics raised in the book were extremely close to me. I am a very versatile and quite ambitious person, but I could not achieve my goals in any way. The reason for this was the complete chaos in the organization of all information, the inability to plan intelligently, and a misunderstanding of what exactly I was striving for. There were a lot of difficulties that I could not cope with on my own.
At the same time, Julia's entire book from the very first pages immediately began to give clear answers to my questions and provide algorithms for significantly improving the quality of life. I want to recommend that every reader of "Life Design" immediately perform all the exercises, that's when you will get changes in thinking, environment and life even before reading the whole book. It is clear that you need a lot of time and effort to work on yourself, but if you want to start setting goals right now that will reflect your desires, get rid of everything superfluous, start loving almost every detail in your life, fulfill your dreams and be just a happy person – this book is for you.
In general, in a nutshell - a cool book.
It reviews all the topics of productivity and dives into them quite deeply and qualitatively. It seems to me that the author's strong point is about setting global goals and searching for his individuality. I liked that. Despite the fact that I also read her articles on this topic.
I didn't really like the sections about habits and about networking. I just read the Atomic Habits and Never Eat Alone. And they argue on these points more strongly. But these are more specialized books.
But if you take it as a review book about life management, whose task was to bring all the threads into one node, this is a great book. In general, it turned out very cool! Full edition. Definitely better than most books on this topic.
How to stop the chaos in your life and systematically start building a dream life?
Just read this book! A clear instructions and system, not another blah-blah-blah!
It absolutely makes sense that there are so many positive reviews on the Litress.
I ran through it first casually, then I wanted to buy a paper version (and there is no !!??), then I postponed savoring it for later. Such books cannot be read in everyday life, only on holidays :) A joke - you need to read it right away and implement everything at once ! Everything that is written in the announcement is true. The book gains more weight for a person in proportion to the number of projects and personalities that he has found and tested in his life, because it gives short and accurate answers to how they could be circumvented....although, who will exchange their own experience for the advice of someone there .....:)
see how this system works
.........////////////////////...on my life example
My name is Julia Cores,
I am a social IT entrepreneur and the author of a life management system. I have been doing innovation and business for more than 5 years, so I understand the use of business tools and I have a higher education in computer science and AI.
Launched 7 startups in EdTech, UrbanTech, and FoodTech
Has a balanced life while constantly improving it and trying 8+ new experiences every year
Entered the prestigious Minerva University on a scholarship and won 4 international competitions
Speaks 6 languages
Lived in 12+ countries on 4 continents, visited 46 countries in total
Does scientific research in decision sciences and speaks at international conferences
./.SYSTEm works
..////..on my example
of them have changed their lives
total customers
If you have any questions or you doubt which product (course, templates, book) you need in your specific case, text me freely and I will help you.
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